Category: Exhibit Curating

Exhibit Curating

An archive of exhibitions curated and organized by James Manning

string theories

Curated by James Manning featuring art by Paul Andrade, Lou Cohen, Keith Francis and William Frese. Catalog essay by Washington Taylor, Professor of Physics in the Center for Theoretical Physics at MIT. Presented at The New England School of Art & Design at Suffolk University September 18 – October 24, 2008


An exhibition curated by James Manning Featuring the art of Mike Farley, Cathleen Faubert, Georgie Friedman, Pete Froslie and Lizzy Martinez. July 25 – August 23, 2008

Interventions and Objects

Objects and Interventions: Bebe Beard and Liz Nofziger Curated by James Manning February 14th to March 15th 2008 Presented at The New England School of Art & Design at Suffolk University.